About The Kliq
Origin Story
The KLIQ started out as a group of friends from different backgrounds but the common denominator was a love for MMA. We coached, we fought, we trained, and we had a blast doing it. That was the KLIQ at its core.
Our Mission
-To design a learning environment that guides each member as they embark on their unique journey training in MMA
-To promote a culture of care and camaraderie
-To guide members to become self-learners (learn how to learn!)
Coaching Philosophy
The ​National Capital Region's
first and only ecological MMA gym!
No matter one's goals, we all want to be better. But how do we get better? Whether a coach or practitionner knows it or not, their practice is guided by assumptions about how we learn. But how do we really learn? The science of motor learning and skill acquisition can inform us and help us design practice. Here at KLIQ MMA, we view learning through an ecological lens and our practice is guided and informed by ecological dynamics or an "ecological approach" to motor learning and skill acquisition.
What does this mean practically speaking? Ecological dynamics is the idea that learning and performance are shaped by the interaction between the individual, their environment, and the task at hand. In practical terms, this means that we design training that unscripted and uncooperative (live), encouraging them to problem-solve, adapt, and learn in real-world conditions. We believe in creating environments where athletes can explore and discover solutions, rather than simply following prescribed drills. Reading about it won't do it justice, come see what we're all about for yourself!
Come join The Kliq and form your own Kliq too!
Directions & Parking
20 allée de hambourg
Suite 140
Gatineau, QC
J9J 4K3
Parking lot to Kliq:
From P1- walk towards Azta restaurant, turn left, go through first set of doors, turn left, Kliq MMA is on the left (left of elevator)
From P2- Walk toward Agora, through the alley (Anytime Fitness on your right), turn left (you can't turn right), walk toward Chatime, go into the double doors and down the hall and you'll see the Kliq Banner.
3 hours free parking at P1 and P2 ($3/hour after)
Gym Guidelines
Please make sure to...
​Wear a mouthguard
Not bring food or beverages on the mats
Follow good personal hygiene practices
Clean clothing​
Clean face and body
Practice good oral hygiene
Nails trimmed
Let The Kliq know if you were injured while training
Not train if you are feeling unwell or have a contagious skin irritation (ie. ringworm, staph)
Wear clean fitted clothing without pockets, zippers or buttons
Pick up after yourself
Rerack your weights and put things back where they belong
Do not leave your bags/gear on the mats or in the way of the equipment
How to optimize your training​
Kliq is committed to maintaining a training environment that promotes:
1) Autonomy
-Learn how to learn and learn what works for you!
2) Creativity
-Be in the present moment and feel what's going on. Don't wait for Coach to tell you what to do
3) Problem solving
-Failure is a feature of learning, not a bug
4) Duty of Care & Safety
-This ain't ballet. In order to learn, we have to care for one another and build each other up and practice in a safe way so that we can keep training